Member Requirements


Serves the other members of the ensemble as it:

  • Displays stewardship of time and talent
  • Builds music skills
  • Provides experiences of scripture-based and other sacred texts set to music
  • Teaches worship leadership
  • Helps work on long-range group goals
  • Offers fellowship among members
  • Builds community within the church body

Serves the congregation as it:

  • Proclaims the Word in song
  • Enhances the worship atmosphere
  • Helps delineate the parts of worship
  • Encourages stronger congregational singing
  • Assists the pastoral staff in worship and leadership


Here is a concise checklist to help you at choir:

  • Attend rehearsals and performances. Be present whenever the choir meets. You are important! Regular attendance is needed to build team spirit and an ensemble sound.
  • Inform the music director when you will be absent. This may seem trite: however, if you are the fifth (and final soprano) to be absent on Sunday, your director will appreciate knowing in advance.
  • Be on time (to rehearsal and worship). Latecomers are distracting and always miss important instructions.
  • Be a leader- know your music. Do not depend on someone else carrying the load because you were not prepared.
  • Watch the director. Hold your music high so you can see it and the director. Follow the instructions the director shows through conducting.
  • Mark your music
  • Keep up with your music. Keep your octavos, songs, and hymnal neat, in order, and in the proper place
  • Keep a pencil in your folder
  • Be aware of your appearance in worship. When you sing, do your eyes "smile" or "frown"? Are you glad you are a Christian? Do you enjoy being part of the choir? Our faces tell the congregation many things.
  • Dress appropriately
  • Be attentive. Pay attention in rehearsal - you will learn more, and the director appreciates it. Pay attention in worship - you will learn more, and the congregation appreciates it.
  • Don't talk in rehearsal or in worship. Talking is distracting to others.
  • Don't chew gum
  • Be a team player. Keep negative comments about fellow choir members, the director, the music, the congregation or the church staff to yourself.
  • Know thyself. Be aware of your voice in relation to others in the choir. A soloist's sound is fine when alone but is discouraging to the choir and the director when offered during the choir rehearsal. Aim to blend with the choral "ensemble" sound of the group.


Rehearsal time is valuable. The director and singers have many things to accomplish:

  • Learning new music
  • Polishing music for worship
  • Preparing for the uniqueness of the week's worship service
  • Developing an ensemble sound
  • Improving the musicianship of each member
  • Preparing for a music performance
  • Developing a sense of community through fellowship

Since the choir is an ever-changing entity, this process never ceases. Some members may become better at parts of this list, but all can improve. Members come and go, some are at rehearsal and some are out of town, and the repertoire continually presents new challenges. So we all need to attend rehearsal, if not for our own needs, then for the sake of the choir itself (and the sanity of the director, who is trying to pull all this together). Everyone should strive to attend each rehearsal and presentation in worship. The role of the individual is critical to the success of the church choir. Each voice makes a difference, and you are sorely missed when you are absent.

The Choir Member's Companion by Ginger G. Wyrick, Abingdon Press ©1997

If you are interested in participating in the Music Ministry please email Nina Ricci using the Contact Us form on this website: Email Nina Ricci.

You can also download a Choir Registration Form and return it to Nina before or after the 9:00AM or 10:30AM Masses on Sundays.